GET Conference

The GET Conference brings together leading thinkers to discuss how we measure and understand people and their traits.

Announcing GETy Award Winners

GET Conference

April 25-26. Details.
Register Now

GET Labs + Expo

April 25. Details
Register Now

About the GET Conference

For the past six years, this event has explored the frontiers of understanding about human biology. It serves as an annual forum to debate the technical, commercial, and societal impacts of advances in our ability to measure and understand people and their traits.

The GET Conference is produced by, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization based in the United States whose mission is to make a wide spectrum of human biological information accessible and actionable to increase biological literacy and improve human health. We support groundbreaking initiatives including the Global Network of Personal Genome Projects, Open Humans and the GET Conference.


We will explore this and more across several sessions:

  • Integrated Personal Omics Profiles, chaired by Mike Snyder, Stanford
  • Microbiomes, Health, & Built Environment, chaired by Rob Knight, UCSD
  • AI & Medical Research, chaired by Joi Ito, MIT Media Lab
  • Networked Biology, chaired by Corrie Painter, Broad Institute

About GET Labs + Expo

The GET Conference is preceded by a uniquely interactive event on April 25th called GET Labs + Expo, (separate registration required).

Sign-up for GET Labs and you can experience the best participatory health research studies around today and advance human health through direct participation in up to 17 different studies.


GET Expo is a forum for researchers where toolmakers and companies that support participatory health studies showcase their products, services, platforms and share know-how.


About GETy Awards

During the evening of April 25th, we will have our inaugural GETy Awards ceremony honoring people and projects that have displayed excellence in participant-centered research. There are seven award categories: Communications, Diversity, Governance, Participant Pioneers, People’s Choice, Sharing and Toolmakers. For details and to nominate, please visit the GETy Awards page.