GET Global Conference

Within a few years millions of people will have their genomic data. Multiple countries have embarked on mega-cohort initiatives aiming to advance precision medicine and the health of their populations. What are the opportunities to realize social benefits that exceed these enormous investments?

Vienna, Austria

September 17-19, 2015
by invitation only
apply to participate, or
nominate a colleague


Historic Events

This year we are celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Personal Genome Project and the 25th anniversary of the launch of the Human Genome Project. Since its inception in 2010, the GET Conference series brings together the pioneers of personal genome sequencing to debate the technical, commercial, and societal impacts of affordable DNA sequencing. In 2015, we find ourselves on the verge of massive-scale population genome projects, and we will explore the impact of the breath-taking advances in genomic technologies for health and society.

Agenda and Sessions

Within a few years millions of people will have their genomic data. Multiple countries have embarked on mega-cohort initiatives aiming to advance precision medicine and the health of their populations. What are the opportunities to realize social benefits that exceed these enormous investments?

We will explore this and more across several sessions:

  • Populations, chaired by Sir John Chisholm, Genomics England
  • Society, chaired by Barbara Prainsack, King’s College
  • Technology, chaired by George Church, Harvard Medical School
  • Environment, chaired by Tim Spector, UK Twins Registry
  • Traits, chaired by Joseph Kvedar, Harvard Center for Connected Health


  • Date & Place: 17-19 September 2015 in Vienna, Austria
  • Venue: CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • All participation fees are covered by & CeMM. Invited guests are responsible for their own travel.

Your Contribution

The conference will be a highly interactive gathering of opinion leaders and creative minds. Please visit the conference website to apply for a personal invitation and/or nominate a colleague who could provide an interesting perspective. With the application form please feel free to submit proposals for short talks pitching new concepts, provocative ideas, etc. that will contribute to the discussion and stimulate our thinking about the genomic future.

About the GET Conference

The GET Conference brings together leading thinkers to discuss how we measure and understand people and their traits. For the past five years, this event has explored the frontiers of understanding about human biology and serves as an annual forum to debate the technical, commercial, and societal impacts.

The GET Conference is produced by, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization based in the United States whose mission is to make a wide spectrum of human biological information accessible and actionable to increase biological literacy and improve human health. We support groundbreaking initiatives including the Personal Genome Project, the Open Humans Network and the GET Conference.


GET 2015 Co-Organizers

Thanks to our sponsors

Autodesk logo illumina logo Novartis Pharmaceuticals logo Parametric Human Project logo