April 25-26, 2013 in Boston

Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the discovery of the DNA double helix.

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April 25-26, 2013

The GET Conference is the event for people working at the frontiers of human biology. We invite leading thinkers to discuss the important ways in which new genomic technologies will affect all of our lives in the coming years and to debate their technical, commercial, and societal impacts. We bring together scientists, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, practitioners, investors, researchers, and others to discuss advances in our ability to measure and understand human biology.

The GET Conference is produced by PersonalGenomes.org, a nonprofit organization which aims to increase biological literacy and improve human health through its support of the Personal Genome Project and other groundbreaking initiatives.

Topics and themes

Omics: personal genomes, microbiomes, immunomes, metabolomes, more Sensors: health and enviromental sensor technologies, self-tracking Policy: access, sharing, governance, privacy, IP Data & IT: visualization, modeling, applications, tools Traits: measurement, interpretation, new products and practices Medicine: preventive + predictive + personalized + participatory

Exploring Human Variation – LIVE in 4D

Some of the most well-characterized humans on earth attend the annual GET Conference. Many of these omic astronauts have already obtained personal genome sequencing, had their microbiomes characterized at various bodily habitats, and know something about the average length of their telomeres. The prospect of gaining access to these pioneers (and their data!) attracts an increasing number of research groups to join us for this two day event and organize phenotyping booths, specimen collection stations, sensor distribution and other activities. Phenotypes being studied this year include: brain structure, flu incidence, physical traits, body and home microbiomes, cognition, the sense of smell and skin oiliness. For more info, see Labs page.

Thanks to our Sponsors
