GET Conference 2010

The GET Conference 2010 brought together more than a dozen genome pioneers on the same stage to share their experiences and discuss the important ways in which personal genomes will affect all of our lives in the coming years. The conference was held April 27, 2010 in Cambridge, MA.

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Thank You for Making GET Conference 2010 a Success!

We would like to thank all of our speakers, sponsors, moderators and attendees for making the GET Conference 2010 a resounding success. For us, the GET Conference offered a glimpse into the past, present and future of personal genomes, and sparked a number of exciting conversations. We hope it did for you as well.

If you were unable to attend the GET Conference, or would just like to revisit it, you may check out the photos or visit our press page, where we have collected a range of articles covering the conference. See also, the collection of real-time Twitter coverage of the GET Conference provided by several of our attendees.

We will be posting video from the conference once they are available. If you’d like to share your thoughts about the GET Conference 2010, or suggestions for next year’s event, please contact us.

Personal Genome Pioneers gathered at the GET Conference 2010.
Back Row from left: Henry Louis Gates, Jr., James Lupski, Mikhail Shapiro*, Rosalynn Gill, Daniel Vorhaus*, Kirk Maxey, Esther Dyson, Hermann Hauser, Jay Flatley, George Church, Misha Angrist, John Halamka, Keith Batchelder, James Sherley, Jason Bobe*. Front Row from left: Greg Lucier, Stephen Quake, Anne West, James Watson, Seong-Jin Kim, John West, Caryn Saitz* Photo credit: Justin Knight, ©
* indicates organizing committee. More photos.