2010 Press

Kevin Davies. GET Conference Celebrates Genome Pioneers. Bio-IT World. May 18, 2010.

Turna Ray. As Whole-Genome Sequencing Advances, Optimists Find Empowering Knowledge; Others See Dizzying Data. Pharmacogenomics Reporter. May 12, 2010.

Daniel Vorhaus. Mapping the Personal Genomics Landscape. Genomics Law Report. May 4, 2010.

Fox Business News. DNA Decade: Complete Coverage of the GET Conference 2010. May 3, 2010. (Variety of video and interviews)

Emily Singer. The Genome Pioneers. Technology Review. April 30, 2010.

Emily Singer. How Personal Genomics Could Change Health Care. Technology Review. April 30, 2010.

Carl Zimmer. A Day Among the Genomes. The Loom. April 29, 2010.

David Dobbs. Genomes, cool conferences, and what the hell to tell people about behavioral genes. Neuron Culture. April 29, 2010.

Turna Ray. In Wake of Myriad Decision, Some Debate Licensing Models for Gene Patents, While Some Question Value. Pharmacogenomics Reporter. April 28, 2010.

Matthew Herper. Of Twitter And Genomes. Forbes.com. April 27, 2010.

Daniel Vorhaus. Personal Genomics in the News: Desmond Tutu and the GET Conference. Genomics Law Report. February 18, 2010.

Daniel MacArthur. The place to be on April 27th: the Genomes Environments Traits (GET) Conference. Genetic Future. February 18, 2010.

Blaine Bettinger. Announcing the GET Conference 2010. The Genetic Genealogist. February 18, 2010.

Press Release. Personal Genome Pioneers to Convene at the Inaugural Genomes Environments Traits (GET) Conference. BusinessWire. February 18, 2010.

Aaron Rowe. The First and Last Meeting of Everyone with a Fully Sequenced Genome. Wired. February 18, 2010.